Thursday, March 31, 2005

The Da Vinci Code

The Da Vinci Code : My Take (joas chavez)
Should a reader of this book take it as a Fact or Fiction?


The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown there is no doubt that is a best seller on the fiction list; however, the author clearly states that the story takes place in the context of factual events, places, organizations and rituals. Within 2years it has become a bestseller in 150countries and one of the most widely read books of our time. To enhance the credibility of this claim, Brown includes not only fictional characters in his plot, but real people (both past and present) who will be readily recognized by the book's audience. Art and Symbols, I wish I can Point out the paintings at ala tamung space for that. Lalu na ing Last Supper ketang bandang wanan nang Jesus ing kasiping na karin sasabyan na Babai ya at he (Brown) claims that is Mary Magdalene and if you look at it the space between the arm of Jesus and the body of next to him (from his right) it form a "V" and he claims that Jesus was feminist. And he(Brown) reveals he was first exposed to this idea some fifteen years ago while attending a class in which the Professor pointed out that missing from Da Vinci’s painting of the Last Supper was a common cup used for the wine. Brown said he had never noticed this before. Then the professor told them the cup was in the painting but it wasn’t a drinking cup, it was a person. That person he was told was Mary Magdalene who was seated in the painting beside Jesus. At kareng aliwang paintings akakit me wawasan ne bitis y Jesus and he claims that was Mary Magdalene for that, they say it is a sight of marital obligation. Mary and the last name Magdalene means on the Pedestal. Yes, most scholars and Theologians agreed that Mary Magdalene spend a lot of time with Jesus. The legends of the Knights Templars, the Priory of Sion, and other “facts” upon which Brown states his book is based. But with scholars who specialize in the study of the Grail and the so-called “Secret Societies” and legends that surround it, a number of scholars who specialize in medieval history and Grail mythology. The vast majority said, the Knights Templar had no particular connection to Mary Magdalene and there was no proof any Priory of Sion ever existed.” These facts are important to readers of The Da Vinci Code. There is no credible evidence that Leonardo Da Vinci and Isaac Newton were secretly involved in the Priory of Sion, and there is only fraudulent evidence that the Priory of Sion was formed to keep "the secret of Mary Magdalene." Concerning whether Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene, they (scholars and theologians) come to no solid conclusions those interviewed him who believe as Brown, tried to find Biblical evidence by pointing to the Gospel account to Mary trying to touch Jesus after his resurrection and His telling to her to "Stop clinging to me (John 20:17) And you can see some of the paintings about this. Some believe this to be an indication of intimacy indicating the two were married. And we do know that Mary spend a lot of time with Jesus. According to one Scholar from Theological Seminary "was just her single act of devotion given to him without concern about what people are thinking about what she is doing." Most of the Biblical Scholars agree on this, and found out that the "scene in the garden might point to an intimate relationship between Mary Magadalene and Jesus.


What found is that some of the claims the book makes are simply not credible and some of the claims have been made before. But there are some surprising truths behind the story of Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and Leonardo Da Vinci.

It is an understatement to say that many people have been outraged by the claims in The Da Vinci Code. Beyond being a page-turning thriller, Brown's novel seems to be little more than a well-crafted, cleverly written 454-page diatribe against Christianity, especially its Roman Catholic sector. The book launches repeated attacks against.

In The Da Vinci Code, the Gnostic Gospels provide the historical basis for the alleged marriage of Jesus to Mary Magdalene, supposedly referred to in The Gospel of Philip. In the novel, Sir Leigh Teabing quotes the passage and says . . .


Goddess Worship:

Goddess worship was a form of fertility religion practiced widely among ancient people.

I don't wanna spend much time on this all they talk about is sacrifices and divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft at balu ta na ngan ini i think this very subjective.

Holy Grail:

We all know that the Holy Grail is a chalice- THE CUP (lalu na detang menalbe Indiana Jones hi hi hi). But the Grail's description is the ancient symbol for womanhood and the Holy Grail represents the sacred feminine and the goddess, w/c has now been lost, virtually eliminated by the Church.

The Priory of Sion and the Knights Templar

Unbroken chain of knowledge"—The Da Vinci Code or the New Testament?

Leonardo Da Vinci (The significance of the Priory of Sion is bolstered in the plotline of The Da Vinci Code by claiming a little-known connection with such geniuses as Leonardo Da Vinci and Isaac Newton. Once again, however, Brown bases these assertions on one of Plantard's forged documents called "Les Dossiers Secrets d'Henri Lobineau" ("The Secret Records of Henri

Here are some of the pasage from the book:

“Behold, the greatest cover-up in human history. Not only was Jesus Christ married, but He was a father. My dear, Mary Magdalene was the Holy Vessel. She was the chalice that bore the royal bloodline of Jesus Christ. She was the womb that bore the lineage, and the vine from which the sacred fruit sprang forth.” (p 249)

“Mary Magdalene was pregnant at the time of the crucifixion…With the help of Jesus’ trusted uncle, Joseph of Arimathea [she] secretly traveled to France, then known as Gaul. There she found safe refuge in the Jewish community. It was here in France that she gave birth to a daughter. Her name was Sarah.” (p 255)

“The quest for the Holy Grail is literally the quest to kneel before the bones of Mary Magdalene. A journey to pray at the feet of the outcast one, the sacred feminine.” (p.257)

The Grail story is everywhere, but it is hidden. When the Church outlawed speaking of the shunned Mary Magdalene, her story and importance had to be passed on through more discreet channels…channels that supported metaphor and symbolism…The arts…Once you open your eyes to the Holy Grail you see her everywhere. Paintings. Music. Books. Even in cartoons, theme parks, and popular movies.” (p. 261)

These are but a few of the passages that indicate what it is the author purports to have set out to disprove by his research but ended up believing. But how do his “facts” stand up to the historical evidence?

Friday, March 18, 2005

Threading Religious Topics:
As much as possible aku eku bisang mag post about Religious topic, because theres a lot of reasons; One, it is a touchy subject. You see, religion is a soo deep within us and if we touch the Faith of others it becomes too sensitive and personal. Misinterpretation and misunderstaning will kick in so, no matter how you write it will always be misunderstood. especially on eMail because, we cannot express our emotions. I did! from time to time, posting about religious thread kening kekatamung groups. I was just defenting my religion when false accusations are made againts it. I didn't say that no one had no right to state their opinion. Sure, they do (no matter how uneducated it is...that's my opinion )

Church Teaching:
Ing Church always TRIES to deliver the teaching of Christ to the best way it can and the best way it know how to. Ing karelang mensahe is about charity , sanctity of human life , peace , love for fellow men, and the way to spiritual salvation .
Wa, TUTU, the Catholic church teaches us to do other Christian faiths, but that has nothing to do, to command your life and you have the right to stand up and quesition! for only in questioning, can find the truth and faith. The best way to learn is to ask.
I do believe Catholic teach how to respect other religions not to attach them. It is true that the Catholic church used to believe that it is there is one true religion and that the only way to heaven is through Catholicism , that teaching was abolished way back in the sixties when Vatican II began. Catholics do not have a monopoly to the truth. People of other religions have as good a chance as Catholics do to enter to that heaven. Isanu ing Religon na alang mali keng karelang teachings?
I am not trying to defend the Christian ... because no matter how hard I try I can never win , It is only you who can defend it for yourself . Aku mu naman kalupa da reng aliwa, questions arises millions of time , I 've read historical materialism which subjected my faith to its extreme challenge , and saw documented ills of the men in the Church , I know about Paul doesn't know how to read and write, later part he did when he was in prison. But I also saw good things too. So which should I remember ? The weakness of humanity manifested by their actions and limited knowledge or the wisdom that make them seach for God ? Remember no church can save us ... they can ony point to the one who can (Faith) We were given the mind to question our faith, you are given a heart to listen , and a soul to search him (God)